The Challenges F&B Faces in Different Industry Sectors

Our management consultants guide, inform and advise on all strategic, operational & financial issues to build the business case and inform the development process. Each sector however has its own unique set of f&b challenges as we discuss below.


Food & beverage in this sector has many challenges; meeting seasonal demands with a consistent quality service which enhances the visitors’ experience. We work with venues, from the world renowned to the locally entrusted, to develop a clear food & beverage strategy and ensure that the catering operators compliment each venue’s businesses and financial objectives while meeting the visitors’ expectations.

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F&B at work can play a major role in staff retention, wellbeing and productivity and often forms the social hub of the workplace. But delivering high street expectations, against a trend towards reducing subsidy and costly space, constitutes major risk and investment. We support clients across single and multi-sites, new and existing, bringing a strategic vision into a live operation.

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This sector has been under close media scrutiny: from Jamie Oliver’s school meals to the increasing number of Fairtrade Universities. Yet the underlying message is the same, healthy and more socially responsible eating. We can provide a commercial direction for these trends, particularly through sustainable menu planning and effective design of modern environments that will enhance the student experience.

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This sector is faced with many days throughout the year with little or no activity punctuated by short periods of high intense volumes. Our services can begin with establishing letting and funding strategies and preliminary spatial planning, followed by detailed design of catering outlets and food offers tailored to these nuances.

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Foodservice In the public sector is moving away from being seen as a subsidised service to a commercial operation that needs to pay its way. Meeting staff expectations, whilst still bound by public sector budgets, can create challenges. We assist with contract re-structuring and annual catering audits in the drive to reduce costs and design facilities to deliver operational efficiency.

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With nutrition and infection control high on the agenda, the industry is working hard to make these a continued priority. We assist in identifying foodservice needs and ensuring stringent hygiene standards. We have advised health authorities, trusts and private clinics on cost saving strategies and the development of central kitchen production units.

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Customer expectations of eating out have never been higher, with hotels and restaurants expected to deliver innovation, quality and value. We have worked with many hotel groups and restaurateurs looking for optimum efficiency in the design and planning of their facilities, amidst costly space rental and increasing competition.

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Eating out whilst shopping at an entertainment complex or a visitor attraction is often as big a part of the experience as the leisure pursuit itself. Through an understanding of the customers’ journey and the venue’s desired objectives, Tricon can establish the optimum size and design of facilities to drive a healthy income stream.

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Whilst a corporate guest or casual spectator can contribute greatly to the bottom line, this has to be weighed up against high capital investments and optimum size to meet varying volumes. We have supported some of the most iconic sports venues generate substantial savings and new facilities embark on innovative designs and food offers with a wider year round marketing appeal.

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For further information on the services we offer, please contact either Paul Greenwood in London or Edward Harvey in Dubai – here are their contact details.