Goodwood – Chichester, UK

Steeped in British history, the Goodwood Estate has been home to horse racing for over 200 years and motor racing since 1993. Tricon has been involved since 1995 and during this time have advised on a range of foodservice issues. Tricon’s first project was to review the banqueting operation within the House to establish whether it could be contracted out. Tricon’s involvement extended to monitoring foodservice standards at the racecourse, Festival of Speed and Goodwood Revival.

When the golf course was enlarged, Tricon provided specialist design services for the new restaurant to be open to members and the general public. Recently, we assisted the Goodwood Estate with tendering of all the foodservice activities which resulted in a single contract and an international operator which made a multi-million pound investment in the facilities.

ClientGoodwoodSectorSports & Stadia

Tricon Foodservice Consultants Ltd
⋅ St James’s House ⋅ 27-43 Eastern Road ⋅ Romford ⋅ Essex ⋅ RM1 3NH ⋅ UK
⋅ Office Suite 6-206 ⋅ Building 6 ⋅ Gold & Diamond Park ⋅ Sheikh Zayed Road ⋅ PO Box 120410 ⋅ Dubai, UAE

+44 (0)20 8591 5593

+971 (0)4 323 7525


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+44 (0)20 8591 5593
St James’s House ⋅ 27-43 Eastern Road ⋅ Romford ⋅ Essex ⋅ RM1 3NH ⋅ UK

+971 (0)4 323 7525
Office Suite 6-206 ⋅ Building 6 ⋅ Gold & Diamond Park ⋅ Sheikh Zayed Road ⋅ PO Box 120410 ⋅ Dubai, UAE

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