Our management consultants guide, inform and advise on all strategic, operational & financial issues to build the business case and inform the development process.
Our management consultants guide, inform and advise on all strategic, operational & financial issues to build the business case and inform the development process.

A sound business case is the basis of all successful and profitable hospitality operations. Tricon’s consultants work with developers and client teams in assessing market feasibility, scrutinising the detail to ensure that operations not only look great but function effectively within what is a highly competitive marketplace.

A strategic view of a proposed food and beverage offer will ensure that every aspect has been fully considered in advance of commencing the design and the client team is fully aware of the various interdependencies.
Often we find that there are a number of solutions for various aspects of the strategy which we are able to articulate as viable options for consideration. We are able to develop the advantages and limitations of each option in terms of impact on demand, space, capital and return.
A development may have identified the spaces to let to retail tenants or the restaurant in the top a feature tower but that needs to be matched with the right operators that can deliver the required service and meet the revenue targets. We will assist in developing and delivering the strategy for the letting of space, taking account of constraints that may be inherent also in the physical environment.

Every client/developer wants the security of knowing that the proposed operational concept is capable of delivering the desired financial objectives. Tricon’s experienced management consultant’s work with clients to develop accurate financial models to test the viability of the proposition and give substance to the business case.

Whether seeking capital investment or just looking to procure a straightforward operating contract, we work with client’s procurement and legal teams to provide specialist foodservice input to ensure the tendering, procurement and selection process is focused on finding the right operating partner to meet the client’s objectives.

This critical document sets out how things will work at an operational level. From what the customer is offered, it sets out the detail of the processes and flows from goods being received through their preparation to how they reach the customer. It is a key link between the design and what is required of the operator.
In a perpetual drive to excel within a specified market, businesses need to be consistently measuring performance against standards being set elsewhere. A Tricon assessment could consider the individual marketing, operational and financial performance of an operation or it could review all three together since combined they remain the key components of a food and beverage business.