Network Rail – Milton Keynes, UK

Tricon were appointed as part of the design team for the Network Rail HQ building in Milton Keynes. This prestigious building was designed to replace existing regional offices and bring staff together in one central location. The building was designed to accommodate some 3200 people and essentially comprises four separate office blocks joined by an open central atrium. The architects vision was to create a busy, “street” environment in the atrium area. Foodservice was seen by Network Rail as a key contributing factor to the success of the relocation strategy.

Tricon developed a strategy for a decentralised catering facility, incorporating a number of designated speciality counters, providing a broad range of popular and innovative food offers. The biggest challenges were to achieve this within Network Rails subsidy target and within the physical constraints placed on sight-lines and extraction in the atrium; both were successfully achieved. Tricon also designed an innovative central, self-help break-out area for both refreshments and lunch for the extensive ground floor conference and meeting room suite, allowing delegates both flexibility and choice whilst containing support requirements and costs.

ClientNetwork RailSectorBusiness & Industry

Tricon Foodservice Consultants Ltd
⋅ St James’s House ⋅ 27-43 Eastern Road ⋅ Romford ⋅ Essex ⋅ RM1 3NH ⋅ UK
⋅ Office Suite 6-206 ⋅ Building 6 ⋅ Gold & Diamond Park ⋅ Sheikh Zayed Road ⋅ PO Box 120410 ⋅ Dubai, UAE

+44 (0)20 8591 5593

+971 (0)4 323 7525


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+44 (0)20 8591 5593
St James’s House ⋅ 27-43 Eastern Road ⋅ Romford ⋅ Essex ⋅ RM1 3NH ⋅ UK

+971 (0)4 323 7525
Office Suite 6-206 ⋅ Building 6 ⋅ Gold & Diamond Park ⋅ Sheikh Zayed Road ⋅ PO Box 120410 ⋅ Dubai, UAE

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