Ben's Charity Bike Ride

Making it a hattrick of recent cycling achievements for Tricon, our Senior Design Consultant, Ben Donaldson completed a gruelling 54 mile charity bike ride of his own over the weekend.

Ben’s father-in-law passed away earlier this year from Mesothelioma. It is a dreadful disease caused by exposure to asbestos dust and fibres, something Ben’s father-in-law came into contact with while working as a builder in London. The cancer usually develops in the lining that covers the outer surface of the body’s vital organs. Unfortunately, the numbers of cases are going up each year.

On Sunday 19th September Ben rode from London to Brighton to raise funds for Mesothelioma UK. The ride took him 5.5 hours and he’s raised £1300 so far!

If you would like to sponsor Ben, there’s still time. Any donation, however small, would be greatly appreciated: